Generator Installation
Contact 24/7 Electrical Services and Repairs Today
The Benefits of In Home Generators
When a power outage occurs, does your life come to a halt? When the power goes out, all of your electronic devices can shut off, and you may be unable to use large appliances, including your fridge, oven and heating and cooling devices. You may also lose all of the lighting in your home. With an in home generator, you can have the power you need to sustain you until the power comes back on.
Generator Installation in McLoud, Oklahoma City & All Surrounding Areas
If a generator is not properly installed, it may not flip on when the power goes out. This essentially means that you are still left in the dark if an outage occurs. An electrician can properly install both whole home and portable generators, ensuring your generator supplies your home with the power it needs until your regular power source is restored. Here at 24/7 Electrical Services and Repairs, LLC, serving the McLoud, Oklahoma CIty, Edmond, and Norman, OK area, we know how important power is to your home, which is why we are here to assist you with generator installation.
Can You Complete Generator Installation On Your Own?
In order to install a generator on your own, you must have the correct tools and understand the basics of electrical wiring. If you do not install the generator correctly, it may not turn on when you need it to, you can damage the generator, or you can overload your electrical system. Because of this, this is a task that is best left to a licensed electrical contractor.
What Are the Differences Between Portable and Whole House Generators?
There are many differences between potable and whole house generators. The price, the size of the generator, the amount of power the generator can produce and how the generator is powered are some of the key differences between whole house generators and portable generators. At 24/7 Electric Services and Repairs, LLC, we work with homeowners to determine the best type of generator for their needs. We also offer both portable generator installation and whole house generator installation, helping homeowners install the generator type they select for their home.
Are You Looking For Home Generator Installation? Let 24/7 Electrical Services and Repairs, LLC Assist You!
Power outages do not need to make your life come to a grinding halt. At 24/7 Electrical Services and Repairs, LLC, we can install a generator, helping to supply your home with the power it needs if an outage occurs. Call us today to set up an installation appointment.